I’m always working on holiday party ideas for TV segments, everyday recipes, and special occasion projects to help inspire you! Check out my blog for my most recent posts and please feel free to leave comments. I try and answer all questions and share ways to enhance your home celebrations and mealtime with the family! |

Many of the recipes on my site are from my cookbooks, Sophisticated Entertaining and The Sophisticated Cookie. I try and put a creative twist, often with a crafty garnish, on all my recipes so they look as good as they taste. Hope you enjoy them! |

I am passionate about holidays and parties. I believe that time spent with family and friends during these get-togethers is what life's all about. Not only does a great looking party spark conversation, it is a visual compliment to your guests that you cared enough about them to go all out. Sure, sometimes you need to keep things simple, but a big blow-out once a year is a must in my house! |

Most of the videos you'll find here are from my TV appearances where I share food, holiday, and party ideas with a national audience. I've been very fortunate to be on some of the greatest talk shows on TV such as The Today Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda, Access Hollywood Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Fox and Friends, and many more. You'll also see some fun recipe, travel and lifestyle videos that I did in various partnerships or through my own production company. Check it out! |

Like many working moms, I wear many hats! In the "Buzz" category, not only will you find all my TV appearances and sponsored articles from some of the fabulous brands I've worked with, you'll also see some of the volunteer work I do with my family. It's a great way to spend time with your kids. |