How awesome is this Super Bowl food idea! It’s dessert and a centerpiece for your superbowl party! This Football Cocoa Crispy Rice Treat is simple to make and delicious!
Make 2 recipes to fill the Football Pan:
1 (10 oz.) bag regular marshmallows (not mini)
6 cups cocoa crispy rice cereal (an 11oz. box)
3 tablespoons margarine
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
White fondant
Football pan (available online at Wilton or in Michaels Arts & Craft Stores)
Spray inside of football pan with non-stick cooking spray. Add marshmallows and butter into a large microwave-safe bowl. Melt marshmallows in microwave for about 45 second to 1 minutes (watch carefully so they don’t begin to brown). Stir in cocoa powder until combined.
Add cocoa crisy rice cereal to marshmallow mixture and stir using a buttered spoon until incorporated. Rub your hands with margarine and continue to mix cereal and marshmallows. Using your hands pack marshmallow mixture into football pan. Make another batch of crispy rice treat cereal and marshmallows and pack into football pan until full. Allow to set for at least an hour in a cool place.
Unmold Football Cocoa Crispy Rice Treat on to a serving platter and cut rolled out white fondant into strips to decorate the football creating the laces and bands around the points.
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Football Cocoa Crispy Rice Treat
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